Music / Advertisement On-Hold

This is the world of infotainment. Professionals and business organizations desire to showcase the best technology available before their customers. Communication channels are the most important part of any business; it is the link between the company, its customers and rest of the world. In this time of fast paced lifestyle, there is little time to personally visit all your customers, and hence, communication is done with the help of Internet or telephone. Now with the advancements of new technology, telephone operations have undergone radical transformations.

If you have a large number of calls coming in, and you need to keep some of your callers on hold for some time, it is only fair that you play something for them while they are waiting to be answered. This could be some pleasant music, or you could sell some of your products and services during this waiting period. Irrespective of what message you want to send, having Advertisements or Music on hold is critical.

Understanding this need, we at PhoneAmerica Corporation have come out with splendid solutions for you and your organization.

On Hold productions Can Market to your customers, others areas of your business they may not be aware of. The production Company will take you wording and add male or Female professional voices and give you options of music choices in-between ads.

Then this production is uploaded to you VoIP phone system, either premise of cloud, or to a Digital player connected to the a Premise phone system